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Custom Furniture

Guangdong Ming Hao office furniture o2o electricity suppliers brand

Main products: screen, desk, conference table, file cabinet, boss chair, staff chair, conference chair, sofa, form a complete set, dormitory
Foshan Kai Xin Furniture Co., Ltd.
Headquarters address: Xiqiao City, Foshan Province, Guangdong City, the industrial zone of Confucian Creek
National Service Hotline:400-6153-550

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Main products: screen, desk, conference table, file cabinet, boss chair, staff chair, conference chair, sofa, form a complete set, dormitoryGroup: Foshan Kai Xin Furniture Co., Ltd. general headquarters address: Foshan City, Guangdong Province, Nanhai District, Xiqiao Confucian Industrial ZoneNational Service Hotline: 400-6153-550 statement: All Rights Reserved

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